

Unified Satellite Provisioning for Sat Business

Unity is not just a provisioning system it is a concept that delivers a 360 degree experience for the operators as well as partners and end users.

We deliver the absolute most advanced and future proof satellite provisioning solution on the market today, a single platform that delivers real-time access to any services in the satellite business in a way not seen before.

Our provisioning interact directly with Inmarsat GX, Inmarsat I4, Iridium, Thuraya, Eutelsat as well as with own platform across example SiP servers, POP environment, Finance systems...

Our easy to use interfaces are delivering operator staff powerful control across activation workflow, manage easilt simcard assignments, swap voice numbers, manage call forwardings, upgrade packages, change QoS on data sessions, all able to be managed in advanced using our provisioning calendar functionality.

Provisioning can easily be provided to partners and reseller with advanced self care with the markets highest degree of Cyber Security.

Unified Provisioning

Unity allow the operator to have a single provisioning interface internally as well as externally in direction of customers that can perform advanced self-care to the degree that the operator give permission.

A single platform with GUIs and APIs that connect directly with all the major satellite networks in the world - Iridium, Inmarsat, Eutelsat, Globalstar, IPstar, Intelsat, Viasat,Thuraya...

Unity Provisioning offer a complete CRM capabilities for the satellite operator, managing and capturing any customer related data, handle user management across many levels as well as offer permission control across any user level and a flexible and highly secure way.

Manage internal captured data as well as data send to remote satellite networks in a decoupled setup – where only relevant data are parsed to underlying partners.

Unity enables Operators to quickly provision new services with complex requirements, like combined voice, data and messaging services which offers converged functionality for voice, data and tracking services, and to more efficiently manage existing services and privileges of its users. It also enables operators to improve operational efficiency through automated work flow and an intuitive user interface to configure business rules.

Inmarsat I4 Provisioning

Unity have for more than 14 years been delivering Inmarsat provisioning services allowing easy and simple handling as well as plug & play integration to operators existing systems. From a single environmant can all Inmarsat BGAN, FBB, SBB, GSPS and M2M provisioning be handled in an easy and intuitive way for operator staff as well as many levels of partners and customers.

All available Inmarsat I4 functionality are directly made available in Unity through multiple interface options allowing the operator to manage all from a simple and yet very powerful interface setup. All service activations are based on predefined templates that are produced through our package wizard that integrate directly with Inmarsats sale catalog - allowing the operator to develop new products in a easy way.

Unity manage all requirements linked to running a succesful Inmarsat satellite business from order management, inventory handling, billing, monitoring, reporting, support functionality and important provisioning across all users levels and all package types, postpaid, prepaid, group packages, geo packages, wholesale packages etc.

All provisioning are managed automatically from Unity - meaning the operator in a few click can activate any type of services - interfaces will automatically adapt to the needed layout only displaying information that is making sense in relation to the choice that the operator is taking.

Unity is basically delivering all components and functionality to get ann Inmarsat I4 operator running in very short time - across provisioning, billing, monitoring, POP environment as well as comprehensive training.

Iridium Provisioning

Iridium are handled with direct integration into Iridium's different platform environments - Unity are integrated with the existing SOAP API interfaces that allow Unity to operator across maritime Openport and land based products being postpaid or prepaid.

Unity is also getting directly integrated into Iridium NEXT based on direct integration with Iridium Xelerate to enable automated real- time service provisioning for our Unity operators. With Xelerate integration, will Unity for Iridium provides end-to-end real-time automated provisioning of various services that are offered to their customers through personal communication devices, Machine-to-Machine technology and broadband services. Unity and Xelerate provided a rule-driven automatic provisioning solution for multiple network elements and replaced the older Iridium SOAP interfaces which required certain manual intervention

Again as with our other interfaces are this made available across GUI interfaces, Unity API interfaces as well as our Operator dashboard environments allow simple and easy provisioning that is done in exactly the same was as any other products - Iridium product templates are produced through our product wizard that directly integrate with Iridium allowing the latest products to automatically being available.

Activating Iridium packages do the operator enter the sim card details and let Unity lookup all needed details and then click create - our setup are eliminating normal error situations as only valida and correct data are allowed

Eutelsat Provisioning

Provisioning of VSAT services can normally be a pretty complex case - for Eutelsat many VSAT satellites world wide do we integrate directly to their SOAP provisioning API interfaces. This allow Unity to offer easy and simple VSAT provisioning in real time with direct management of relevant parameters from a pre defined template that allow VSAT provisioning to take place in minutes.

Eutelsat provide with their 39 geostationary satellites world wide coverage for VSAT services and cover 2/3 of the worlds population - currently delivering more than 3 million VSAT installations are Eutelsat one of the biggest VSAT providers.

Unity offer easy and simple to use management with the operators VSAT services and allow the partners and end customers to stay on top of their services linked to real time operation from a single easy to use environment.

Inmarsat GX Provisioning

Inmarsat GX are fully integrated into Unity through Inmatrsat SEP API integration and direct access through APIGEE API to the new Inmarsat Gateway environment.

We have for more than 2 years been working close together with Inmarsat, Cisco and Honeywell to build the new API gateway for Inmarsat GX Aero - and are today having a fully operational and integrated solution that in a very simple manner allow the operators to connect directly to Inmarsat GX and perform any type of provisioning operation across operator on-boarding, site on-boarding and GX terminal provisioning across activation, ip management, intelligent temporary deactivation, upgrade, downgrade, topup management and similar.

Unity GX environment are delivering an highly optimized provisioning workflow for GX compared to Inmarsat GUI that need a lot of manual interventions and technical skills to be operated.

Our smart workflow are handling all needed actions - basically allowing a new GX terminal to be activated in a few click - our smart package wizard are integrating directly with Inmarsat sale catalog and automatically extract all needed data to allow building advanced provisioning templates across IP handling, BGP routing as well as intelligent handling of port mapping on the new GX terminals.

Unity will collect 88 different data metrics with terminal and network statistics allowing advanced reporting and data analisis and be displaying grafical data across performance, traffic and terminal data.

Our platform also allow full operator of customer management with GX terminal firewall settings - through interacting with our POP Manager that on the GX POP can be managing the needed firewall settings based on assigned terminal IP ranges.

Unity allow a new Inmarsat GX VAR or Sub VAR to get starting operating and selling GX products in extrem short time.

Thuraya Provisioning

Create internal user styructure for your partners, companies and subscribers and then activate Thuraya postpaid and prepaid simcards directly through our SOAP integration with Thuraya's platforms in Dubai.

Thuraya are a lot about prepaid services - these are managed across three different Thuraya platform interface, activation through one platform, prepaid status and balances through another platform and topup through a third platform.

Manage internal captured data as well as data send to remote satellite networks in a decoupled setup – where only relevant data are parsed to underlying partners.

Operator Service Provisioning

Unity do directly integrate with a lot of standard platforms used by satellite operators - allow integrated provisioning workflow for example VoIP services by interacting directly with Sixcon, SipXecs, Asterisk or with associated platform.

Our smart workflow handling allow provisioning to intelligently manage provisioning workflow so that certain failures allow an easy roll back with included inventory release. Smart provisioning workflow will example first provision a simcard on Inmarsat I4, then when compoleted create the associated VoIP subscription in the VoIP PBX, and when that is completed be adding the IMSI to the Radius server and configure the customers firewall profile. All in a single workflow.

Our platform allow Thuraya to be integrated into a single Unity environment interface that is allowing prepaid management for the partners in the same way as done for Inmarsat BGAN, GSPS and for Iridium Prepaid Topup.

Operator & Customer User Interfaces

Our provisioning frontend interfaces are operating 100% based on own secure API interfaces - offering very high layout flexibility based on standard Bootstrap technology in a responsive design that easily adapt to high resolution screens, laptops and tablets.

All our interfaces are delivered with a design that optimize the daily operation, making it simple to operate, based on context based menu's that automatically adapt to the authenticated users role, to the content on the listed lines, to the given state of the product allowing only relevant content and options to be made available.

Unity is operating an basically any language, click on Japanese and all change to Japanese, click on Portuguise, Danisk, Chinese....

Most important Unity interfaces are made to be very easy to operate no matter what service or satellite network product is selected and yet with an extrem degree of Cyber Security to ensure that we fullfil all military requirements for high trust in data integraty.

User Management

Following user level are available:

  • Staff, Admin, Support – that can perform operator actions across the underlying user structures
  • Partner, Reseller, Group level – that can manage own users and perform allowed provisioning
  • Companies – That can get real-time access to user and package view as well as handle monitoring
  • Subscriber, vessel, airplane, site level – that can view and monitor own packages
  • Contact users – the can get access across multiple subscribers – used by pilots, captains etc.

Each level of users can access the self-care environment and perform the level of self-care permitted by the operator, if provisioning of simcards and products are permitted then can the operator easily differentiate between the different customers.

Partner Self care

Unity allow the operator to have a single provisioning interface internally as well as externally in direction of customers that can perform advanced self-care to the degree that the operator give permission.

Unity Provisioning offer a complete CRM capabilities for the satellite operator, managing and capturing any customer related data, handle user management across many levels as well as offer permission control across any user level and a flexible and highly secure way.

Manage internal captured data as well as data send to remote satellite networks in a decoupled setup – where only relevant data are parsed to underlying partners.

Customer Self care

Unity allow the operator to have a single provisioning interface internally as well as externally in direction of customers that can perform advanced self-care to the degree that the operator give permission.

Unity Provisioning offer a complete CRM capabilities for the satellite operator, managing and capturing any customer related data, handle user management across many levels as well as offer permission control across any user level and a flexible and highly secure way.

Manage internal captured data as well as data send to remote satellite networks in a decoupled setup – where only relevant data are parsed to underlying partners.

POP Provisioning

We have developed a product named POP Manager that canb be installed directly in the operators POP (Point of Present) environment. Our POP Manager manage IP assignment process in the operators POP across multiple Radius servers, multiple Firewalls as well as multiple Geo independant locations.

Provisioning between Unity and POP Manager are based on our POP Manager API interface that in a stateless communication flow handle IP assignment across Static and Dynamic IP addresses. When A simcard are getting provisioned will POP Manager assign the requested IP address - and following based on the requested Firewall profile be configuring the Firewalls across Cisco or Juniper with the needed firewall rules.

Partners as well as end customers can following through provisioning interface be managing their own firewall profiles, ruleset as well as actual firewall settings for each single simcard or terminal - this functionality are fully available across Inmarsat I4 services like BGAN, FBB, SBB, GSPS, M2M or on Inmarsat GX terminals - where IP assignment are handled directly in Unity and then propergated down to POP Manager.

Bulk Loading of Data

A complete bulk loading environment are available in Unity across inventory, partners, companies, subscribers, packages, rating plans and similar - simply prepare data in Excel and use drag & drop into Unity. Data will then be presented in the screen and allow the users to select the proper fields for loading - Unity will then be able to activate directly in underlaying satellite networks like Inmarsat and Iridium in a managed and controlled way.

Bulk loading have example been used when we performed creation of 8400 subscribers and 8400 simcards for the philippines Election for SingTel - a simple and smart way to get large numbers of data added.

Direct integration to Financial Systems

Provisioning workflow can directly interact with the operators existing financial systems allowing user data to be automatically added in the operators existing backend systems - allowing CRM updates, adding customers to SAP, Navision or similar.

Unity are today already integrated with several of the major financial systems on the market like SAP Finance, Navision and Bann through API setup. - it is also possible to generate standard CSV file output daily or monthly with the needed data to allow automated provisioning processed end to end.

One Satellite API (web service)

Unity provide a single API interface that offer provisioning in real time into all the major satellite networks - meaning one REST JSON based API that cover Inmarsat I4, Inmarsat GX, Inmarsat Prepaid, Iridium Openport, Iridium NEXT, Thuraya, Eutelsat....

Our API environment are delivered with a complete online developmerenvironment that allow the operator to get their developers started almost instantly an environment that contain samples on any part of the workflow in provisioning and with comprehensive documentation that allow easy and simple integration.

This API come with highest possible Cyber Security setup to ensure that Unity can fullfil the high demand for military security across OWASP scannings, ISO27001 certification and HP Fortify screenings.

Provisioning and Smart Forms

To ensure that data get entered with highest possible degree of accuracy have our Frontend interfaces lots of smart validation. Only needed and valid form fields are displayed in the provisioning work flow, each single field have help text associated, each field have in browser data format validation, and on top of this will field after entering data perform automated data validation lookup in the backend environments to ensure that entered data are as correct as possible

Integration with inventory - when selecting example a BGAN package then will only valid and free simcard data be made available, if user leave MSISDN number empty then will system automatically select a free number when completing the process, this Philosophy allow very simple provisioning that almost eliminate the room for errors.

Smart data filling offer a long list of simplified data flow - as an example - if a call sign on a vessel is entered then can the operator just click fill and Unity will from integrated databases get the vessel name, IMO, MMCI, home country, ports and similar - same for airplanes, vessel emmergency details..

Provisioning Product Catalog

The integrated product catalog are allowing the operator to manage all products across staff as well as partners. Make top menu for products, sub menu's, and list of products that easy and simple describe the type of offered products and manage and control what users can access and see the different offered products through the product access control.

This product catalog can combined with the rating plans be used to generate the online price book for the different partners - an easy way to manage and handle prices for the different partners in a fully online setup.

Provisioning Work flow based Notifications

Any provisioning work flow can generate a range of notifications across email and SMS messages. Allowing the operator or end customers to get notified when specific work flow are taking place.

Get notified when company have been created, when vessel have been added, get a welcome letter when a simcard have been succesful created with associated voice numbers, fax numbers, ISDN numbers, Sim card pind codes, voicemail pin code, links to support, manual, guides and similar. Get notified when a subscription get auto suspended.

Prepaid Provisioning & Management

Manage and operate your prepaid services through a uniform and simplified interface - our prepaid setup offer a single interface to activate prepaid services on Inmarsat, Iridium, Thuraya and across any internal driven services like VoIP platforms. Our setup treat prepaid activations as any other activation - after activated as a prepaid subscription can system perform automated topup or redeem vouchers directly through Unity.

Unity Prepaid environment are able to act as a stand alone prepaid platform that can manage prepaid services offered by the operator on VoIP platforms, on vessel GSM services or on any standard postpaid satellite product - Unity Prepaid can generate and manage internal vouchers or can manage topup based on direct unit topup from our different interfaces or can integrate with credit card topup if needed.

Our prepaid environment can intelligently and smart integrate with underlaying prepaid platforms - meaning a partner will topup or redeem a voucher in Unity and in the underlaying Inmarsat platform will we through their Redknee API inject an Inmarsat voucher matching the select unit value, on Iridium will we inject the selected units directly on their API. Unity will only display units available from the underlaying prepaid platforms..